![]() CITY COUNCIL - DISTRICT "C" Councilmember Freddie King IIICity Hall, Room 2W70 1300 Perdido Street
CITY COUNCIL Councilmember At-Large Helena N. Moreno |
Click HERE for the Hurricane Season Press Release
The links below are updated as new information is received from the respective departments and agencies. Some may be carried over from the previous week while we await an updated link.
Click HERE for this week's
Cultural News You Can Use!
Click HERE for this week's
Business Events and Resources!
Click HERE for this month's
Recreational Programs and Events Highlights from the New Orleans Recreation Development Commission!
Click HERE for upcoming
Events at New Orleans City Park!
Click HERE for this month's
Rider's Digest Newsletter from the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority!
Click HERE for this week's newsletter
providing services and advocacy for LGBTQ+ older adults in the New Orleans metro area!
Located at 2624 Burgundy Street in the old school building. Enter the courtyard gates just downriver from Port Street, and use the first door on the right, facing Burgundy. The parking lot entrance is on Franklin Avenue, riverside of Burgundy.
Glassroots collects glass at the following locations:
PLEASE NOTE: Recyclables CANNOT be bagged. They must be loose in your designated recycling cart.
Trash and Recycling pickups occur on the same day, in the early morning hours, by two different trucks, one after the other. Rest assured that your recyclables are not being dumped in with the trash.
Marigny Triangle - Thursday mornings
Marigny Rectangle - Friday mornings
Items NOT eligible for Curbside Recycling must be taken to the Drop-Off Center, 2829 Elysian Fields Ave, on Saturdays from 8:00am to 1:00pm.
*Please note: No composting materials accepted at this time.
More information: visit nola.gov/sanitation/recycling/.
To register for Free Curbside Recycling, call 311. Free Curbside Recycling is available to Orleans Parish residents.
REMINDER: Per City Ordinance, trash and recycling carts are not to be placed out for pickup until after 4:00pm the night before the designated pickup day and are to be removed from the public right of way as soon as possible after pickup has occurred. It is not permissible to keep carts in front of your house/business on a permanent basis. For those that do not have an alleyway to accommodate passage of the carts, you can apply for an exemption to use bags instead and have your carts returned. However, if desired, you can request a smaller size cart - three sizes are available. Now with only once a week pickup, you can also request an additional cart.
There are over 350 vacant positions at City Hall. All positions offer health and retirement benefits, and all pay well above minimum wage. To learn more about open positions and apply, please click HERE.
In addition, over 250 of the unfilled city positions are within the New Orleans Police Department. One can join the NOPD as young as 20 years old, and there are few restrictions on older applicants. Apply, and take the civil service examination. Visit JoinNOPD.org.
Over $20,000 in Recruitment Incentives await those who join the NOPD from other departments across the state! There are also guaranteed pay raises and other excellent benefits.